Monday, November 5, 2012

Some Projects

Quinta do Sardão - Vila Nova de Gaia - Closed Condominium - Apartments, Villas
Quinta das Corgas - Vila Nova de Gaia - Apartments
Império da Prelada - Porto - Apartments

Parque dos Carvalhos - Pedroso - Apartments, Shops

 FC Porto Sponsorship
RAK Sports Ville - Mall, Hotel, Apartments, Sport Club, Offices

Springs - Apartments

The Tower - Mall, Hotel, Offices
Vasco da Gama - Hotel, Apartments

My Roles and Responsabilities

As OWNER I was part of the companies with significant shares.

As ADMINISTRATOR / CEO / GENERAL MANAGER I had the following roles and responsabilities:



  • Advises the Board
  • Advocates / promotes organization and stakeholder change related to organization mission
  • Supports motivation of employees in organization products/programs and operations

Visionary / Information Bearer

  • Ensures staff and Board have sufficient and up-to-date information
  • Looks to the future for change opportunities
  • Interfaces between Board and employees
  • Interfaces between organization and community

Decision Maker

  • Formulates policies and planning recommendations to the Board
  • Decides or guides courses of action in operations by staff


  • Oversees operations of organization
  • Implements plans
  • Manages human resources of organization
  • Manages financial and physical resources

Board Developer

  • Assists in the selection and evaluation of board members
  • Makes recommendations, supports Board during orientation and self-evaluation
  • Supports Board's evaluation of Chief Executive

Board Administration and Support

Supports operations and administration of Board by advising and informing Board members, interfacing between Board and staff, and supporting Board's evaluation of chief executive

Program, Product and Service Delivery

Oversees design, marketing, promotion, delivery and quality of programs, products and services

Financial, Tax, Risk and Facilities Management

Recommends yearly budget for Board approval and prudently manages organization's resources within those budget guidelines according to current laws and regulations

Human Resource Management

Effectively manages the human resources of the organization according to authorized personnel policies and procedures that fully conform to current laws and regulations

Community and Public Relations

Assures the organization and its mission, programs, products and services are consistently presented in strong, positive image to relevant stakeholders

Fundraising (nonprofit situations)

Oversees fundraising planning and implementation, including identifying resource requirements, researching funding sources, establishing strategies to approach funders, submitting proposals and administrating fundraising records and documentation

Our Companies

The company EDIGAIA born in 1985 with my father. Since 2000, after some heart problems of my father, I started working in the company. Edigaia was a group of companies in areas like construction, real estate, global investments, hotels, parking, events and others.
In real estate and construction, we built and sold hundreds of houses, apartments, shops, offices and we made reformulations of some buildings and hotels.
This company had actives in an amount of 50 Million Euros excluding the building, lands, hotels and more that we bought and sell.
We were specialized in architectural innovation and high quality construction. We developed some of the best condominiums in North area... built by our company METRO CÚBICO and sold by our company EDIGAIA.
In 1989 we opened our first four stars hotel called GAIAHOTEL in the city center of Vila Nova de Gaia - Porto. After this one, we started the reconstruction of an old big farm to do a small luxury hotel and a place for big events (up to 1000 people)... this new investment was QUINTA S. SALVADOR.
Mixed with those companies, we had some investment companies like IMOFRANCELOS, S. SALVADOR IMOBILIARIA, MARINADOURO, CARDODO E SAMPAIO, PREDIDOURO... some of them only to buy and sell and others for construction too, and other companies for parking like AUTO GAIA PARQUE and GAIAEXPLOR.
This group of companies start doing the first steps in international market in São Tomé and Principe (Africa) with the development of a big touristic and residential complex. We created the company AGUA IZE INVESTMENTS.
After this one, we start looking for new markets like Brazil and Mozambique were we created some good relations.
In 2005 we did the first approach to the United Arab Emirates in Abu Dhabi creating the company EDIGAIA INTERNATIONAL. In 2008 we established our first company there called RAK EDIGAIA in partnership with H.H. Sheikh Mohamed bin Saqr Al Qassimi (from Ras Al Khaimah Royal Family).
In 2009, through the good relations in UAE, I meet H.H. Sheikha Dr. Hind Al Qassimi (from Sharjah Royal Family and Chairwoman of Emirates Business Women Council) and we did two companies: one in Portugal called GULF - CONSULTING & INVESTMENTS and other in UAE called MIDDLE EAST GATE.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

TOP 10 Executive Leadership Skills

1. Trust Building
Building trust, the most important leadership competence, yet at the same time, the most difficult to achieve. Many of the following leadership skills are also built based on trust and mutual understanding.
To continuously building trust within your team and other departments, you can apply the below tips:
a. Open Door policy - you have to trust your employees in the first place before getting their trust. Be open and honest in discussing company policies, conflicting situations and value their ideas by dong active follow-ups.
b. Actively listen and paraphrase points to demonstrate your understand. Only listen but not taken the points out from the conversation can be seen as not trusting the ideas of your employees.
c. Make sure you handle issues fairly. Integrity is crucial to have people trusting in you.
d. Constantly ask for feedbacks from your employees on your approach in daily communication and conflict handling. At the same time give constructive feedback to your employee and help them to grow personally.

2. Communicating
Communication is vital for everyone and is of top importance for any leaders. Communicating with appropriate manner as noted below can make a huge difference:
a. Use appropriate language, tone and channels (written/ spoken) in different situations. Do not stick to one general route to communicate with everyone as that might cause conflicts due to difference in mentality.
b. Communicate regularly with your subordinates in an open and honest manner. Encourage two-way communication in contrast with one-way delegation.
c. Make sure that information is delivered correctly, without unnecessary alternations, to all levels within your organization.
3. Cooperating
As a leader, cooperating with your own team, other departments and boost the collaboration between your team members and other staff within the company, and at the same time cooperate with people outside of your company, to achieve win-win situation and build interdependency between different skill sets, by applying the below tips:
a. Hold team-building events within and outside of your own team. Cross-department team events break the ice between teams and build personal relationship among teams
b. Take helicopter view of issues and involve your team and other team leaders in decision-making.
c. Initiate and/ or participant in cross-functional projects to tackle shared concerns, while at the same time learn from the best practices from other departments
d. Actively discuss both formally and informally with colleagues from other departments to understand their mentality and their expertise
4. Risk Managing
Risk management is something easier said than done. Make use of the below tips:
a. For all projects/ works you are taking up yourself or with the team, brainstorm on risk factors and record them down for reference and further actions.
b. Base on the trust you’ve built with your team members, encourage them to report any possible risk that they identify daily. Be honest and do not finger point to any late notice of a risk.
c. Seek information from a wide range of sources and evaluate risk from all perspectives.

5. Understand Issues
When you have received information, the next step is to understanding it thoroughly and then seek for a proper solution. You can apply below tips to understand issues better:
a. Gather ideas from team members in meetings and make use of tools like flip chart to map out the details of issue.
b. Take a step back and look at issues from different angles. If you are unfamiliar with other perspectives, discuss with other departments to find out their opinion on their perspective.
c. Be sensitive to the content of informal conversations and follow-up with staff on certain implications that you can derive from the conversation.
d. Be alert on the business trend of your industry by reading relevant magazines and websites.
6. Solution Seeking
A leader is at a perfect position in showing your subordinates that solving an issue with feasible solution is the ultimate aim.
a. Use the information you have gathered and understood, develop several solution scenarios together with your team members.
b. Always prepare contingency plans to back up the solution. This is also part of your risk management.
c. Use high level and long-term views and visions to understand all the possible implications of your solution.
7. Influencing People
As a leader, you are the one who can direct your fellow employees and influence them in making decisions. Rule of thumb - always try achieving 'win-win' agreement whenever possible, by assertively persuading people around you.
Below are some tips in how to influence people:
a. Present and support your viewpoint in various formats to appeal to different audience, like graphs, tables and clear and precise wording.
b. Build relationship constantly with your own direct reports as well as other departments for political supports in times when you need to introduce ideas and changes. You can build this up by supporting, protecting and appreciating other's idea in meetings and add values by paraphrasing their original idea.
c. When addressing issues, be open and show your willingness in dealing with difficult situations. This can show your understanding and at the same time ask for understand and interest from your counterpart, and in turn influence their decision-making.

8. Inspiring People
One of the major roles of a leader is to inspire and guide your subordinates. Be open and share your value with others, let people understand that you welcome changes and improvements by applying the below tips:
a. Build a vision with your team and share common values - show your trust in your team that they are capable in achieving the vision. Be open to discuss different visions and listen for new ideas as that might add value to your original idea.
b. Share successful stories with your team and outside of the team. Do not hesitate to praise good work. This can inspire others to achieve the same.
c. Conduct regular individual meetings with each staff - reconfirm their individual ability and confidence. Provide each staff a personal coaching plan, helping them to achieve their best.
d. Give your staff opportunities in challenging your decision and let them express ideas freely. If needed, keep it confidential and allow completely free channel of speech.

9. Developing People
As the head leading a team, your team members have expectation on you to help them grow in their career and personally. Popular and respected leaders are those who do not mind to give personal tips in coaching others. Below tips can help you in developing your people:
a. Develop personal development plan with individual employees and coach them in career development as well as soft skills like communication skill. Set measurable goals in the plan and review the plan regularly together with the staff.
b. Proactive offer help and guidance when you notice your staff needs coaching. Do not wait until your employee explode with a resignation letter.
c. Work with HR or training departments to give specific trainings that serve the needs of your staff.
d. Encourage mentoring and liaise with HR and other team leaders to act as mentors for fellow staff.
10. Continuous Improving
One important quality of a leader is to be able to improve the current situation continuously. You can follow the below tips in achieving continuous improvement:
a. Constantly review existing standards, rules and policies, established within and outside of your responsible area, as that might also affect the company's efficiency as a whole.
b. Share and discuss your strategy plan and vision with team members and set goals to achieve. Review the plans periodically to identify what can be improved.
c. Share example of high quality work and brainstorm to get ideas in raising general quality of work. Establish mass communications like newsletters within and outside of the team where your team members can share their experience and compliments received from customers and/or colleagues.
d. Critically looking at the organizational structure and give recommendations to re-design job and skill match, in order to maximize skill-set within the company and boost motivation.

CV em Português







Vila Nova de Gaia – Portugal



26 Julho 1978










Licenciado em Gestão de Recursos Humanos mas a experiência nas diversas áreas por que passou, especialmente, a hotelaria, turismo e eventos, mas também na construção, imobiliária, estacionamento, energias renováveis, ambiente, consultoria e trading, em países como Portugal, Espanha, Brasil, São Tomé e Príncipe, Moçambique e Emirados Árabes Unidos, permitiu especializar-se na gestão de projetos multiculturais complexos e na gestão de pessoal a nível nacional e internacional. Tem experiência em: gestão hoteleira, planeamento estratégico orientado para objectivos, operações financeiras impostas por orçamentos ambiciosos, administração metódica para cumprimento de prazos (gestão de crises, quando necessário), e aplicação de métodos modernos de liderança através de motivação e envolvimento em tomadas de decisão e definição de objectivos, clareza na comunicação, e facilidade de relações interpessoais. O seu passado cosmopolita e interesse noutras culturas, em conjunto com o domínio de algumas línguas europeias, ajudou-o na condução de negociações que exigem a conciliação de diferentes abordagens na resolução de problemas.

Principais competências demonstradas:

- Coordenação e gestão de equipas de pessoal e serviços

- Coordenação e gestão dos recursos humanos

- Coordenação e gestão do departamento comercial

- Elaboração, coordenação e gestão de contratos

- Coordenação de vendas e receitas

- Desenvolvimento de novos negócios

- Mercados Internacionais

- Planeamento Estratégico para projetos multiculturais

- Definição e coordenação de novos concursos públicos e acompanhamento de obras

- Desenho e planeamento da estrutura organizacional e estratégias operacionais futuras adequadas à atividade em diferentes locais.

- Planeamento e definição dos perfis necessários para diferentes departamentos, da Produção e Manutenção ao Marketing passando pelos departamentos de front office.

Disponível para trabalhar em Portugal, Brasil, outros países europeus, Emirados Árabes Unidos, Moçambique e eventualmente noutros locais, assim como estar sediado num local com a possibilidade de me deslocar quando necessário.





1998 – 2003

Universidade Lusíada (Porto – Portugal)

Licenciatura em Gestão de Recursos Humanos

1996 – 1998

Universidade Portucalense (Porto – Portugal)

Frequência Universitária em Gestão de Empresas

1993 – 1996

Colégio Internato do Carvalhos (Porto – Portugal)

Curso Técnico-Profissional em Contabilidade e Gestão




Gaiahotel - Hotel (2000 – 2012)

Assume a gestão do Hotel nomeadamente a gestão financeira, comercial, marketing, estratégica e de recursos humanos. É responsável pela mudança operacional entre hotel de passagem e hotel para grupos, especialmente grupos de idosos do Norte da Europa e da vizinha Espanha aumentando assim a ocupação do mesmo em cerca de 20% mantendo os mesmos preços. Cria uma equipa de trabalho excepcional, especialmente na parte mais próxima do cliente como recepção, F&B e quartos. Negociou directamente com operadores e outras entidades tendo mesmo tornado este numa referência junto da Embaixada dos Emirados Árabes Unidos e junto de alguns membros de famílias reais árabes, fruto da sua relação com estas entidades no negócio hoteleiro e outros.

Quinta S. Salvador – Hotel e Eventos (2000 – Presente)

Assume a gestão do Hotel / Salão de Eventos nomeadamente a gestão financeira, comercial, marketing, estratégica e de recursos humanos. Aposta fortemente na área dos eventos criando uma equipa de catering e cozinha eficiente que estivesse em consonância com a excelência do espaço. Aproveita também o espaço para apresentações, nomeadamente de carros de rally, colecções de moda, exposição de quadros, etc, e ainda para grandes eventos políticos, congressos médicos e farmacêuticos, reuniões e festas de grandes empresas, etc. Dinamiza a área de bar/pub criando um ambiente nocturno de grande nível com música ao vivo e noites/festas temáticas.

Estalagem de Sangalhos – Estalagem e Eventos (2002 – 2011)

Assume a gestão da Estalagem nomeadamente a gestão financeira, comercial, marketing, estratégica e de recursos humanos. Faz a avaliação dos recursos humanos e a substituição dos elementos menos produtivos por forma a tornar a unidade hoteleira mais eficiente. Cria uma área de animação com espectáculos, área para desporto, animação nocturna, etc. Tratando-se de uma unidade hoteleira numa zona de vinhos e espumantes, consagra a mesma como um local de encontro para empresários da área vinícola da região. Foi responsável pela negociação e venda da unidade.


Compra e venda

S. Salvador – Imobiliária (2000 – 2012)

Imofrancelos – Imobiliária (2000 – 2011)

Marinadouro – Imobiliária (2002 – 2011)

Água Izé – Investimentos – S. Tomé e Príncipe (2000 – 2011)

Sirusa – Investimentos (2008 – 2009)

Administrador / Gestor das várias empresas. Responsável pela negociação de várias unidades hoteleiras, especialmente em Portugal. Efectuou compras e vendas de edifícios públicos e privados, terrenos para construção residencial e comercial. Intermediou negócios imobiliários em Portugal, Espanha, Brasil e Emirados Árabes Unidos. Negociação de terrenos em S. Tomé e Príncipe e Moçambique para construção de empreendimentos e hotéis.


Imobiliária / Construção / Arquitectura / Engenharia

Grupo Edigaia – Promoção Imobiliária (2000 – 2012)

Edigaia Internacional – Construção e investimentos – Abu Dhabi – Emirados Árabes Unidos (2005 – 2012)

RAK Edigaia – Construção e Invest. – Ras Al Khaimah – Emirados Árabes Unidos (2008 – 2012)

Metro Cúbico – Construção Civil e Obras Públicas (2000 – 2012)

Cardoso & Sampaio – Construção e Investimentos (2006 – 2011)

Predidouro – Imobiliária (2006 – 2011)

Administrador e Gestor das empresas responsáveis pela promoção imobiliária e das empresas construtoras nomeadamente na área de recursos humanos, controlo de custos, prospecção de novos negócios nacionais e internacionais e acompanhamento dos mesmos, área de marketing e coordenação de compras e vendas. Cria uma equipa de vendas, dinamiza a área de publicidade com custos baixos (recorrendo nomeadamente a marketing de proximidade), é responsável pela compra de terrenos para novos empreendimentos que vieram a ser comercializados, analisa e negoceia no Brasil e em Moçambique novas oportunidades. Construiu e comercializou diversos empreendimentos residenciais e comerciais, construiu e reconstruiu hotéis acompanhando ainda as diversas fases de obra desde o projecto até à fase de acabamentos finais.

Responsável por uma equipa de arquitectos e engenheiros no desenvolvimento de projectos turísticos, desportivos, habitacionais e comerciais. Desenvolveu um projecto de raiz para quatro resorts no Egipto, Hurghada, com 1,6 Km de costa de mar, com hotéis de 4 e 5 estrelas, em altura e em bangalows, casino, marina, campo de golf, mesquita, entre outras facilidades; desenvolveu um projecto nos Emirados Árabes Unidos com 700 mil metros quadrados de construção com estádio de futebol, campos de treino, pavilhão gimnodesportivo, centro comercial, habitação, escritórios e 200 mil metros quadrados de parques de estacionamento subterrâneos. Desenvolveu ainda alguns projectos para países árabes nessas áreas.

NBO – Engenharia e Ambiente (2013 – Presente)

Assume a administração / gestão da empresa nomeadamente a gestão financeira, comercial, marketing, estratégica e de recursos humanos. Coordena a equipa para uma melhor avaliação do mercado e aposta fortemente na vertente da obra pública. Renegoceia antigas dívidas da empresa com os fornecedores e bancos, cria solidez financeira à empresa e define uma estratégia de futuro para a mesma. Escolhe a nova equipa para liderar a empresa e faz o acompanhamento desta nos primeiros meses após a mudança.


Consultadoria e Trading

Gulf – Consulting & Investments (2009 – Presente)

Middle East Gate – Consulting & Invest. – Dubai – Emirados Árabes Unidos (2009 – Presente)

Criou uma empresa em Portugal e outra nos Emirados Árabes Unidos em sociedade com um membro da família real de Sharjah (HE Sheikha Dr. Hind Al Qassimi) por forma a criar uma ligação empresarial Europa – Mundo Árabe. Prestou serviço de consultadoria para diversas empresas europeias com vista à internacionalização para mercados árabes e a empresas árabes com intenção de investimento na Europa e em África. Foi consultor independente de empresas portuguesas para o mercado brasileiro, especialmente na área imobiliária e de energias renováveis. Deu apoio como consultor a pessoas interessadas em construir ou adquirir unidades hoteleiras aconselhando e coordenando todas as fases do negócio.


Energias Renováveis

Enerplus – Energias Renováveis – Rio Grande do Norte – Brasil (2013 – Presente)

Constitui uma sociedade no Brasil (Natal – RN) em parceria com uma grande empresa europeia produtora de painéis solares (Openplus). Permanece no Brasil para avaliação do mercado, conhecimento das normas locais e pesquisa de parcerias. Cria ligações fulcrais com o poder político e com empresários locais ligados à área. Define a estratégia de negócio com vista à sua implantação a médio prazo.



NBO – Engenharia e Ambiente (2013 – Presente)

Rumoflex – Ambiente (2013 – Presente)

Assume a administração / gestão das empresas nomeadamente a gestão financeira, comercial, marketing, estratégica e de recursos humanos. Elabora um novo plano de acção na recolha de resíduos sólidos urbanos, define uma nova estratégia para abordagem ao mercado, altera substancialmente a organização das pessoas e cargos criando um sistema de gestão menos vertical e assente na coordenação e cooperação entre os vários sectores.



Edigaia Tecnologias (2005 – 2012)

Cria a empresa por forma a dar assistência informática às outras empresas. Cria um grupo de trabalho por forma a rentabilizar a empresa, quer na importação de componentes e representação de marcas, quer para prestar assistência a outras empresas e particulares.


Parques de Estacionamento

Auto Gaia Parque – Parking (2000 – 2012)

Parque do Agueiro – Parking (2012 – Presente)

GaiaExplor – Consórcio para exploração de parques de estacionamento (2009 – 2011)

Assume a administração das empresas. Cria uma equipa de trabalho, nomeadamente um gestor que coordene a actividade geral das sociedades.





HDL – Comércio de motos e acessórios – Representante oficial Harley Davidson (2000 – 2012)

Assume a administração da empresa. Cria uma equipa de trabalho, nomeadamente um gestor que coordene a actividade geral da sociedade, um especialista na área de motociclos com uma grande ligação a este tipo de motas. Responsável pela negociação com a Harley Davidson para obtenção da concessão e responsável pela venda da sociedade em pleno funcionamento.




- Pró-activo, dinâmico e dedicado

- Familiaridade com os mundos empresarial e comercial

- Ambientes multiculturais, incluindo Europa, Médio Oriente, África e América do Sul

- Técnicas de gestão comprovadas, em contexto Europeu, Africano, Sul Americano e no Médio Oriente

- Gestão de métodos comprovada na obtenção e realização de novos negócios
- Comprovada liderança e habilidades de gestão de meios humanos

- Acompanhamento de obra e coordenação de orçamentação

- Eficiente no cumprimento de prazos e objectivos e metodologia de trabalho sistematizado
- Adaptabilidade rápida para novos locais e na resolução de problemas

- Idiomas: Português (nativo), Inglês (muito bom), Espanhol (bom) e Francês (razoável)
- TI: Word, Excel, Powerpoint e Windows; noções de Apple e AutoCad

- Carta de condução



My Motivations

It is my first post in this blog.

With this blog I pretend to show my new life after the dead of my father in September 8th 2011.

Since 2000 I worked with him and in their companies.

In 2005 we started a new business in International market, especially in Abu Dhabi - United Arab Emirates, but only in 2008 the internationalization becomes true.

In 2009 I meet H.H. Sheikha Dr. Hind Al Qassimi (from Sharjah Royal Family and Chairperson of Emirates Business Women Council) and I start a company with her to help Portuguese companies to establish them in Arab Countries.

United Arab Emirates is my second country and H.H. Sheikha Dr. Hind Al Qassimi family is my second family.

By other side, Mozambique is very special for me too. My father was militar there and when I visited that country I was been fascinated. I have some family and good friends there.

Since September 2011 my life changed. I lost my father, my friend and my mentor. It was very difficult because I assumed all the companies and the problems.

I decided that my future life maybe will be in the international market because is something that I like and I know how to do. I have facility in relations, multicultural environments and new projects development.

At this moment I'm working as administrator of some companies but the future will be outside this country.